Christian to a Muslim understanding

How to help a Muslim understand the Bible

The Quran denies the Trinity, a term that was used closer to the second century AD and the Quran itself will say that Allah is not a Trinity Allah is one. This explains that Allah doesn’t understand the human concepts of the Trinity doctrine.

There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the word, and the holy Spirit, and these three are one(1 John 5:7) Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit(Matt 28:19)

The Quran confirms the Torah, The Psalms and the gospel (Injil) however contrary Muslims believe the Bible is corrupted. Therefore to stand in defense of the Bible, Muslims believe in the shahada, an Islamic oath and creed in one of the five pillars of Islam however that verse is not fully present in the Quran You can find components in it however they are not a side-by-side presentation formula such as the Trinity is in the Bible as I posted the verses above.

Christians and Jews in the Quran a reference as people of the book, and there’s verses in the Quran that make the Bible stand in judgment of the Quran.
Surah 3:3-4 claims that Allah has revealed the Quran verifying the books before it. (Therefore the Bible)
Surah 18:27 no one can change Allah’s words (If his words can’t be changed then how is the Bible corrupt?)
Surah 7:157 let the people of the book go by what’s been revealed to them (so if the people of the book can go buy the gospel and the Torah then how are they corrupt?)
Surah 10:94 claims if Muhammad doubts what has been revealed to him ask the people who read the book before you (therefore go ask the Jews in the Christians)

They also say because the Bible has been corrupted because it was preserved by men and not by God that the Quran is uncorrupted and has never changed. And I will give you this, the term Injil is not an Arabic word, therefore it was borrowed by Syriac Christians that the creators of the Quran used to identify the gospel.

Going back to the Trinity, a very common question asked is if Jesus is God then why does he pray to himself. This is a very simple answer, why does Allah limit himself in the Quran? In the Bible our God doesn’t have limits. God the Father is spirit so he exists everywhere all at once, and God took part of his spirit to give to Mary. Mary gave birth to Jesus thus him being the Son of God in terms of humanity. But Jesus also referenced himself as the Son of Man that’s another thing that the Muslims will bring up. But the son of man was referenced in the book of Daniel and that is what Jesus claimed for himself in the book of Mark. So that son of man was a divine figure that inherited the kingdom of heaven. So to go understand this in a term of Islam the same way that Allah can emanate himself within a bush of fire to speak to Moses in the Quran, God did the same with Jesus. He gave himself a limited human body to fulfill the prophecies of Isaiah 7, 53, haggai, Zachariah and many of the other prophets. So Jesus prays to his father, honors his father, follows the commandments and corrects the corruption, dies for our sins, gets resurrected the third day. And because God is the only one who can forgive sins, his atonement for humanity through his only begotten Son is the only way to achieve the full salvation.

Muslims look at Christians as idolatrous, so then I ask this. Muslims will pray five times a day all face in Mecca to face this black box called the kaaba that has a black stone that they kiss. As much as they will dismiss this as idolatry; are they worshiping an idol by praying to it, circling around it and kissing a stone?

Lastly the attributes to Allah are actually not written in the Quran, but they’re in the hadiths and Hadiths came out 100 to 200 years after Muhammad’s death. Which contradicts them denoting the doctrine of the Trinity 100 to 200 years after the gospel.

There’s more I can say if you have any questions

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